Parkrun World Record Attempt: Dubbo, Saturday 25 November 2017
Parkrun is a simple concept that has captured the world's imagination. A free to enter, 5km weekly run, walk or roll. Simple, effective, fantastic!
The record number of people that have attended the weekly Dubbo Parkrun that is held at 8am, each Saturday at Sandy Beach Dubbo currently sits at 383 runners, walkers and rollers. The world record is 2,092 at a single Parkrun, set in Pretoria, South Africa.
On Saturday 25 November 2017, Dubbo Parkrun is looking to smash the world record and have 2,830 people run, walk or roll! Want to be park of the action? Make sure you register at (you only have to register once, so if you have done a park run somewhere else, just turn up with your barcode!)
Potential Attendees so far: 11 Anthony Barnes, Maree Barnes, Tim Barnes, Darren Haksteeg, Jonty Haksteeg, Andrew McKay, Tim Morris, Miriam Tan, Ceridwyn Usback, Phil Wheeler, Bev Winters,
Email: [email protected] to let us know you are keen, so we can have a bacon and egg roll waiting for you at the end!
Details What: Dubbo Parkrun "World Record Attempt" Where: "Sandy Beach", Sandy Beach Rd, Dubbo, NSW, 2830 When: Saturday, 25 November 2017 Time: 7.30am for a 8.00am start Cost: It is free! That is the beauty of Parkrun - it is free to participate!